Home Entertainment #BBNaija: Bella confesses to Sheggz about stirring fight between Chomzy, Phyna, Amaka and Groovy

#BBNaija: Bella confesses to Sheggz about stirring fight between Chomzy, Phyna, Amaka and Groovy

by Arabella Zikora

BBNaija Level Up housemate Bella has confessed to her partner, Sheggz, about stirring the fight that ensued between Chomzy, Phyna, Amaka and Groovy.

BBNaija house was heated this morning when Chomzy confronted Groovy for being intimate with his new partner, Phyna.

Groovy, who denied the allegation forced Chomzy to confess Bella’s identity as the one who divulged the secret. Then, in a fit of rage, the drama escalated when Bella denied Chomzy’s allegations while Amaka, who was Phyna’s ex-best friend, also denied speaking about the situation.

During a conversation with Sheggz, Bella confessed her involvement in the heated drama that nearly brought down the house.

She told Chomzy some of the rumours causing issues but would not admit it to everyone because she felt Chomzy was supposed to be sensible.

The fights between the housemates were after Level 1 and Level 2 housemates had been merged together.

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