Home World News Top Moments From President Trump’s Victory Rally in Washington

Top Moments From President Trump’s Victory Rally in Washington

by Nwabuko

WASHINGTON DC – On the eve of his monumental inauguration, Trump offered a sneak peek at his plans for the opening days of his term, promising the “biggest first week” in presidential history.

Bookmark this post—these were the final moments in America before everything changed.

1. Incoming Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, Stephen Miller, Delivers Powerful Speech on America’s Future at Capital One Arena


“In just one more day, just one more day, it’s goodbye Joe Biden, goodbye Kamala Harris, goodbye Democrats and hello to the golden age of America, and welcome back DONALD J. TRUMP!”

“It’s been four long years. It’s felt like four-hundred years.”  “Four years of weakness, four years of humiliation and embarrassment.”

“Four years of persecution. Four years of inflation, poverty, incompetence.” 

“Four years of betrayal.”

“Four years of wide open, undefended, unprotected open borders.”  “But tomorrow, at 12:00 P.M., that’s all going to end!”

2. Hollywood Actor Jon Voight Hails Donald Trump as a Hero in a Patriotic Speech, Pledging a Return America to a Once-Great Nation

“Donald J. Trump fought hard to save this country and now he will bring God to our nation’s truths.”

“He will make her thrive again.”

“He will save the greatest country. America the beautiful.”

“I’m proud, I’m proud to call the President of the United States my friend.”

“Our friend.”

“My hero!”

“Our hero.”

“A man who never gave up on the American people, and we the people, never gave up on him.”

3. Megyn Kelly Warns the Nation That the Battle for America’s Soul Against the Woke Mob Is Far From Over


“In America with the right of free speech. We have the right to offend, to provoke, to annoy and to stand up for what we believe and even if you find it controversial.”

“We have the right not to use the words you trt to force on us, like your preferred pronouns, or words like ‘anti-racist’ or just chest beating.”

“We are reminded of that daily by President Trump, who will never bow to the woke mob. Just ask Brett Kavanaugh we will be swearing in JD Vance tomorrow as he, Kavanaugh, sits in his robes as an Associate Justice and the U.S. Supreme Court.”

So, I thank all of you for being part of the Trump movement and for bringing these changes upon us. And for bringing Donald Trump back into the office.”

“And a reminder before I go; stay strong. We haven’t won the war. We’re winning, we won a bunch of battles, but he’s going to need all of you every step of the way.”

“Were going to have to be patient, we are going cap to steel our spines. Do not bend. Never bow.”

“What I say is what I say.”

“God bless you. God bless President Trump. God bless the United States of America!”

4. Dana White Delivers Fiery Address in Support of His Friend Donald Trump

“He is the toughest, most resilient person that I’ve ever met and NOTHING was going to stop him from fighting so hard for the country he loves!”

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